Yoga styles.
Curious about what kind of yoga I teach? Or not familiar with yoga lingo just yet? Here you can get a clear view of the different yoga traditions that I’m passionate about. Ask yourself “what do I want to experience?” and choose a style that you’re naturally attracted to.
Hatha Yoga is a great way to start your yoga journey and learn traditional asanas (postures), safe alignment, pranayama (breathing techniques), and the use of props to support your practice (belts, blocks, wall, partner, etc.). A yoga “happy hour” for beginners and pros of any age.
Partner Yoga is a more gentle version of Acro Yoga. You practice traditional poses in couples, two by two, to help each other deepen the pose by both giving and receiving. And yes, you’ll be touching the sweaty body of another human being, but that’s only half the fun!
You never forget your first love and so it is for me with Vinyasa Yoga! The progressive "dance" on the rhythm of the breath, fluidly moving from one pose to the next and boosted by the seductive sounds of mantra music, can break any heart wide open! If you’re brave enough…
The repetition of mantras, quietly or out loud, is a beautiful meditation practice to free your mind and become at peace with yourself. It also frees up tension and unhealthy breathing habits. No need to be a pro singer (sigh of relief!). Mantras work their magic anytime anywhere.
Feeling off-balance due to a yang lifestyle? As in always too stressed, skipping meals, needy of constant stimulation, talking too much, sleeping too little, easily angered, and a bit over-impulsive? If you’re lacking yin energy, Yin Yoga can bring back the ahhh to your exhales.
Restorative Yoga is an even more gentle way of practice than Yin. It’s no work and all relaxation. It’s helpful if you’re recovering from burn-out or injuries or if you tend to do everything the “hard” way (work hard, study hard, love hard, etc.). Discover the wisdom of “less is more”.