Sovereign together.
Partner Yoga.
During Partner Yoga, you team up with one of the other yoga students to practice traditional poses in couples. You patiently assist your partner into the pose to gently deepen the experience.
Partner Yoga teaches yoga students to play TWO-gether and be sensitive to the needs of others. You learn to give and receive while guarding each other’s boundaries and harmonizing your breath.
Yes, you’re also diving into the sweaty body of another human being but that’s only half the fun!
At QdY you can experience a bit of Partner Yoga during other types of yoga classes or special Partner Yoga workshops. Workshops usually end with treating each other to a bit of Thai massage.
Partner Yoga is a less acrobatic version of Acro Yoga and therefore equally delicious for beginners and pros. Expect to be joyfully challenged PLUS to experience yourself in peace with others!