All life starts with an inhale and ends with an exhale.
Restorative Yoga.
Restorative Yoga is a great way to restore, recover, or reboot. It’s a gentle and slow way to practice yoga and to give back to yourself and learn how to RECEIVE! When you’ve been pushing your limits, either on or off the mat, and you’ve been hard and impatient with yourself, Restorative is the way to go.
During Restorative, you use as many props as you like or need to support the postures and enhance deep relaxation of body and mind. And like Yin, you learn to:
feel and experience yourself
surrender to your body’s needs
accept whatever comes up (pain or pleasure) or is present
let go of resistance, judgment, or expectations
allow all (of your energy)
breathe through any kind of discomfort or displeasure.
Other than Yin, Restorative does not put any positive stress on certain parts of the body to stimulate deep-lying tissues. It’s all about full relaxation and most poses are done lying on the floor.
Therefore, this type of yoga is also great for when you’re recovering from burn-out or injuries or if you still tend to do everything the “hard” way (work hard, study hard, love hard, etc.). You discover wisdom and self-healing in kindness and “less is more”.
I guess it’s safe to say Restorative Yoga is suitable for any human being living on this planet right now. So how about it?