It might not be love at first sight. But it could be the love of your life!
Vinyasa Yoga.
“Oh dear Vinyasa, how you crushed me! Even though you had me at “hello” it certainly wasn’t love at first sight. Little did I know you would become the love of my life.” ~ Lola
The progressive "dance" on the rhythm of the breath, fluidly moving from one pose to the next and boosted by the seductive sounds of mantra music, can break any heart wide open!
The Sanskrit word vinyasa means “to place in a special way” and refers to the linking of physical postures in harmony with the rhythm of the breath. The most famous sequences are the Sun Salutations A and B.
Vinyasa can definitely be more physically challenging and dynamic (YANG) than other more static (YIN) styles of yoga, such as Hatha or Yin.
The constant pace of the Sun Salutations means you build up a sweat and get a detoxifying, cardiovascular workout. You’re still taught to be technically proficient in the poses, without sacrificing pace and flow. The aim is to achieve a peaceful mind and breath while being stimulated. Meditation in motion!
If you’re usually more laid-back, even lazy, often lacking motivation, and prone to too much eating, sleeping, thinking, and over-analyzing then upbeat Vinyasa might not be what you want but it’s certainly what you need!
You’ll leave your mat rejuvenated, inspired, and fully ready to face the world again. If you’re new to this style, start slow and easy, or get familiar with classic Hatha Yoga first.